Claire: I assure you, you are fine.
Phil: That's very comforting coming from a marketing major at a party school.
It's helpful when blogging again to have a computer that doesn't stop working...
or maybe I have a computer that stops working because I decided to blog again?!hmmm...
I was going to post about my new years resolutions.
that was the post I had started on friday anyway...
but Jared's resolution is
"to be more committed to my faith"
which really made my get-a-six-pack resolution seem shallow...
so let's just talk about oatmeal shall we?
I made a new
oatmeal recipe this morning.
I couldn't eat it.
The consistency was just all wrong for me.
you cook it on the stove with the banana...
and the idea is it gets all "creamy"...
which is does.
apparently e is not a fan of creamy (which might also be described as slimy) oats.
I'm going to tweak it and try it again though...
because I do love oatmeal...
and I really did want to love
that oatmeal.
thankfully I also love greek yogurt... because that's what I had for breakfast this morning.
the little boys when asked about resolutions
looked at me like I was speaking Russian.
so I helped them out
by deciding that they would be doing more chores in the coming year...
I even made them a chore chart yesterday
a la pre-school
sans the stickers...
stickers would be nice...
Jack came home and did the chores on his list...
mumbling only slightly that he had yet to "hear about how much allowance" he'd be receiving.
Cole came home and looked at the chart and said
"this makes absolutely no sense to me... I have no idea what I'm reading"...
Speaking of Russian.
Jared does the most fantastic Russian accent...
has me in tears every
I'll have to secretly tape him... and post it.
{and probably more entertaining than me talking about oatmeal}
Cole got his chores done and we even made it to the orthodontist on time.
that's another of my resolutions...
to not forget appointments.
because seriously...
the adult ADD...
is like whoa.
I can not even explain how many appointments I've missed this year...
you'd think the giant dry erase calendar might be slightly more effective...
it's not...
mainly I think because it does not actually go to the appointment for me.
Speaking of Cole.
he'd like it known he much prefers Cole...
but sadly can not go by it because his silly parents named him Colten.
while I've explained he can still go by Cole...
which would be a nickname.
he is adamant that no nooooooo...
if I wanted to call him Cole
which is a much better name
I would have named him Cole...
please note I'm trying to only call him Cole now.
well that
and sweetheart